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Expert Patent



许鸿章 男 72岁。国家一级教授,受国务院政府津贴,导师。为我国抗生素领域的权威。多年来一直从事新抗生素研究与开发,特别是抗肿瘤抗生素。主要承担其化学分离,纯化和结构鉴定。

高景星 女 72岁。朝鲜战争时为随军医护人员,回国后,先后在中国军事医学科学院,中科院生物物理所,中国医学科学院天津血液所等单位工作。离休前,在北京中关村医院任检验科主任,高级检验师。是中科院止血纱布研发项目负责人。

Xu Hongzhang, male, 72, national first-grade professor, tutor, beneficiary of State Council Allowance, authority of antibiotics in China. With rich experience in the R&D of new antibiotics, especially Antitumor Antibiotics, Professor Xu mainly devotes himself to the chemical decomposition, purification and structural identification of antibiotics

Gao Jingxing, female, 72, director of hemostatic gauze development project of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Ms. Gao used to be a military medic in Korean War and then worked at Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin Blood Institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and etc. Before her retirement, she was the Director and Senior Docimaster of Department of Laboratory Medical, Beijing Zhongguancun Hospital. 




地址: 中国·北京市密云经济开发区科技路32号

电话: 010-69075388

传 真:010-69075698

邮箱: zf678@aliyun.com

网 址:www.jialikang.com


Jia likang biotechnology (Beijing) international co., LTD., founded in 2002 on April 24, the existing fixed assets of 48 million yuan. Company address for the Beijing miyun economic development zone, road no. 32 of science and technology. The company covers an area of about 5000 square meters, warehouse area of 450 square meters, existing staff of 58 people. The main production and operation antibacterial anti-inflammatory soluble hemostatic gauze.